Way to go, America.
Article on high school exit exams ... And special kudos to you, Arkansas, for lowering your standards so severely that a passing math grade is awarded as long as a student scores 24 out of 100 on their exam. On ONE of their three attempts. Since when is 24% considered a passing grade?? Since states cannot deal with the embarrassment of true test results, apparently. What's that you say? Twenty-four percent is still too tough for the little darlings? No problem ... They can take a computer tutorial with a built-in quiz to earn their diploma. It's not as if they'll ever need math skills in the real world, after all.
Nice to know just how worthless a diploma will be. Heaven forbid we repair what is broken. No, no ... That would require far too much effort. Better to manipulate the numbers until it appears as if a problem never existed. No one gets hurt that way, right? Okay, maybe the student who graduates without fundamental skills, but no one who matters, right? Right?