(no subject)

Jan 13, 2005 17:10

After all my classes were over with for the day, I went and spent $28 on a coffee...I mean a ring and 2 pairs of earrings.

Wow, I felt kinda bad about spending the money on jewlery until I realized that I could have spent the money on something stupid like a cup of coffee at starbucks or 3 worth drinking type beers at a bar or charity or an airbrushed T-shirt with a stillborn baby on it or a CD that I would have just ended up losing/scratching/hating anyhow.

So this post started out with me bitching and is ending with my rejoicing not partaking in the stupid-assed things in life that are abundant and there for the partaking.


Dread dread dread

I have about 17, 000 hours worth of study related distractions to partake in before Nathan shows up tomorrow. Why am I wasting my time typing in this stupid blawg...
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