Title: Moving Forwards
TherealsnapeRating: 12A
Word Count: 8901
Characters and/or Pairings: Everyone! All pairings cannon and incidental.
Summary: War has consequences, particularly on the young.
Warnings: Discussion of the consequences of trauma, nothing mentioned that isn’t in the HP books. Occasional strong language.
Disclaimer: Not
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So many gems are tucked in here, from the introduction of post-its to the neutral room, grouping kids by year instead of House, enlisting help from the ghosts (the ghosts!!!) and the 8th year students, Snape's continued leadership, Colin's wonderful enthusiasm, and so much more.
But the most wonderful thing I found about this fic was the sense of community at Hogwarts. Giving the ghosts a meaningful role in the students' welfare was brilliant, as was getting appropriate help from so many living members of society like Rosmerta, Mme Malkin, and Molly. That sense of everyone coming together felt to me like real hope for a world desperately in need of it. And personally, it felt really good reading a fic about hope at we begin a new year in a world that really needs it!
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