Apr 11, 2004 15:14

It's finally spring break. WOO!

Thursday was the multi-VE dance... which was a lot of fun. I left school at 12 and went to Orlando with Kevin. It was a GREAT day. :)
Went to Sanford mall, festival bay, city walk... saw Johnson's Family Vacation... walked around, drove a lot.... went to Friday's for dinner... picked up his sister from the airport and got home around 2.
Friday, went to the beach with Kev, Josh, and Lindsey. Then went out to dinner with Kevin and his family at Inlet Harbor. Stopped by to visit at Justin's b-day party at Olive Garden... me and Kevin went to my house and watched the Jim Bruer stand up... which is hilarious.
Saturday, I took my nephew to the easter egg hunt with my mom. Met up with Lindsey down there. It was fun. I made a key chain for Tom that says "Love God" and "God is Love". =) I had family over for dinner and stuff cause of Easter and my Grandparents 56th anniversary. Also got my car washed finally. Then a bunch of us went to Orlando to the Pirate Adventure for Kevin's birthday. It was pretty cool... personally, I thought breaking it down outside was the best part. WOOOO. WOOOO. WOOOO. WOOOO.
Today is Kevin's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Went to the beach for a little while with Kevin, Lindsey, and Josh... built dribble castles and had sand fights. fun times. Went to Taco Bell with Josh and Lindsey. Lindsey's drink fell all over the floor in the back seat... lol.

Going over to Kevin's in a little bit to hang... watch movies and such. Josh and Lindsey are coming over too. :)

Spring Break is going by too fast... it needs to slow down!!!! or just be longer.

Well, it's time to shower and get all the freakin sand outta my hair. <3

By the way, I LOVE KEVIN!!
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