Sep 10, 2006 20:39
Whats up people???
Well here is a update for you I'm still hanging around the Japan area but, We ended up going to Okanawa.(didn't spell it right) you know the place Daniel son went to in Karate Kid 2. Yah it was pretty insane and the place that one lady in Kill Bill ended up at and got her kick ass sword at. Anyway that place was a trip and a half. Tons of kickass places we went to and ended up at a bar with a kickass cover band. Ran into tons of Air Force hotties and rocked out with them in the pit. Fun times indeed. Becuz Sasebo (where I am stationed) has nothing like this. So it was nice to get into the grove again.
Well after that we went 10 days straight underway and on this tiny ship I wanted to kill after we got to Singapore. That place is still the same way I left it except for the fact they have added on tons of shit. Like building businesses and they expanded Hooters..hahahaha..don't ask.
after that we went to this kickass night club called Ministry of Sound. Sweetness indeed. They had of course a hip hop room with a bunch of gates and cages everywhere. weird indeed. then later down the hall we ended up in the tekno room alot bigger and tons of room and get crazy in but, of course the person I was with...we ended up in the tiny disco room. I think I had more fun in there away. We kicked it for the 60's and 70's that night. of course all good things come to a end and the night ended and we headed back.
Well thats it for now......hopefully this finds everyone doing pretty kickass.
Be Well