Jun 04, 2010 00:01
- 08:34 I think that Inbox: 0 is just a myth. A legend we used to tell our children at bedtime.
- 10:37 @ brewhouse I'd hate to see it when the kids color on the kid menus ;)
- 11:30 aw RIP Rue McClanahan
- 13:07 @ katiecandraw should we start collecting bail money?
- 13:35 @ WillowMeThis who's this Patrick Stewart of whom you speak? Is he related to Tony Stewart?
- 13:38 @ WillowMeThis I was just being a smartass :D
- 14:44 @ agirlcalledbob we do indeed
- 21:00 Ewan's front tooth is hanging by a thread and practically sideways in his mouth. He's currently trying to brush it out.
- 21:09 @ PlaidGirl I asked him and he said no
- 21:45 @ quackdamnyou I just found our new favorite tee shirt site bit.ly/6CHeOn
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