You know I understand. It's so hard for me to let anyone in because I lose every single person it seems. She means alot to you, I know she does, otherwise you wouldn't have wasted time writing all that or be as hurt as you are. I think you should see what she has to say but be guarded.
thanks lover! ya I know, ur a totally different story! I miss u! Whats the safest airline company C, do u know? i thought u should cuz of ur interest in flying. I still cant believe u didnt go to that trip 2 Israel
I miss you too! :( I don't know if anything is safe, I'm actually really afraid to fly right now. I'm driving to Vancouver next weekend instead of flying. It makes me nervous.
Whats the safest airline company C, do u know? i thought u should cuz of ur interest in flying. I still cant believe u didnt go to that trip 2 Israel
I don't know if anything is safe, I'm actually really afraid to fly right now. I'm driving to Vancouver next weekend instead of flying. It makes me nervous.
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