000. Friends Only

Jan 01, 2020 00:00

Friends only; please comment to be added.

My LiveJournal account is now 100% personal, so my entries are opened to friends only. This journal was previously known as mist_ball but now, it has been renamed after my most favourite region of the Pokémon games - Hoenn. If you know me from somewhere else, please comment to let me know who you are so that I can add you, or if you're interested in being friends; don't worry, I love making new friends! :D If you like reading books (especially young adult novels), watching Disney movies, playing Pokémon games or indulging yourself in the world of web designing and fanlistings, yea that's what I love too. :) ♥

I usually post about my typical university life as a 21-year-old (turning 22 soon! ;w;) pharmacy student, my adored fandoms such as Pokémon, Axis Power Hetalia, Card Captor Sakura, Digimon and about random things my silly brain is thinking about. This journal is the place where I fangirl when excited and rant when frustrated (pardon me >_<"). I also have a writing journal located at crystalorb, which serves as the place where I allow my imagination to roam freely if inspirations to write comes flowing in. xD Well then, thanks for stopping by my little online journal. Have a nice day! ♥

friends only
