Mar 25, 2013 18:39
So I have my sister blocked from sending me txts because she annoyed the ever living piss out of me while she was home, especially when she asked to borrow the car and I said: "as long as you have it back by X time because I have to go to work" and she and my other sister didn't come home until literally 5 minutes before I had to be at work, where I'd be until very early in the morning as I was working an overnight/stock shift...
... so when I was checking the blocked messages I had received apparently she's pissy that I'm friends with her ex husband on FB. I don't post on his page, on his status updates, on his pictures. I don't even talk to him. But he wasn't a dick to me so I left him on my friendslist because it sucks to be unfriended, especially when your cunt of an exwife cheated on you and is a crazy bitch... and she's also my sister. yea she's like "with all that time you spend on FB I'm wondering why you're still friends with Brian after I told you not to be."
instead of responding with "I'm sorry? but last time I checked I don't tell you who to be friends with." I just left her blocked.
This is a bitch who likes to give relationship advice because she thinks because she's been married she has "life experience." Bitch please, you got married for the pay raise. You cheated on your husband and shit talked him every chance you got YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS giving relationship advice to a fucking stray cat let alone a human being. You're track record has been the same for every guy you dated... and the last guy you were were with wasn't with you. You two were never exclusive yet you got pissed off because he was "talking" to other girls. Riiiiiiiight.
Both of my sisters are well known for checking their 'dudes' emails, txts, and phones like it's their religion... and yet they shit on me as though I'm the one with the shitty love life. Yup... because unlike both of them I can handle a long distance non relationship with more maturity and trust than those two can handle a relationship where they see their dude every day.