Dec 17, 2012 03:27
I refuse to accept anything less than what I put in. I've been patient and complacent for a few years, accepting shitty jobs to get by, getting pulled into positions where I work my ass off or try to excel and getting met half way instead of at the top. So I refuse to accept anything less than what is due. I know I shouldn't believe in the idea that life owes me something that I "derserve" something after all the shit I have put up with for years, but I feel like I've chipped in enough to deserve some benefits here.
I know life doesn't owe me anything, but it's not as if I haven't put in my fair share of ass busting, I deserve a return on my investment here.
So lets just get down to business. Can I just please land that one job that I love, that I wake up every morning wanting to go to work, and can support me financially? Can I just please get the hell out of this shit hole town and into the city, and be financially stable enough that Matt can move in without needing to worry about finding a job immediately or prior to moving. Cause I'm ready to be a grown up now.