allergies and a sore throat

Feb 19, 2008 18:40


That just about sums it up…

“WTF!” is what your thinking right now right? Well.. all those who know me know that I CAN NOT stand drinking water. I know it’s a not really a good thing but I don’t care. I really cant stand it. I’m a …well… “milk person.” For atleast the 2-3 months, when ever I have had cereal (with milk) my stomach really hurt and I’d spend the whole day in pain. For a while I though I just have a stomach ache and it’ll pass but it didn’t. Today the truth was revealed to me.. I’m allergic to MILK! MY FAVOURITE DRINK IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!! GRRRRR!!! HOW CAN THIS BE! This is where Murphys law comes in ‘what ever can happen, will happen’ (damn Murphy)

ONTOP of finding out that I cant consume my favorite drink, I have a sore throat. ‘as if that’s something to complain about’.. right? Well im not complaining, im actuly amused. You would be surprised (considering how much I talk) this is my first actul sore throat. In the 15 odd years ive been able to talk, its take this long to actuly kick in. mind you its painful, annoying and irritating.

The sweltering hot day made today not as good as it ought to have been. I hart Tuesdays only because I don’t have chem. Though I did get this massive assignment to do over my chemistry free day which doesn’t really make it ‘chemistry free’ but nevertheless a better day if i did have chem. Wed tomorrow! I love wedsenday. Its just a great day in general..

Now im just rambling for no general reason ….
now i have to go buy soy milk - which, may i add , IS DISGUSTING!!! 


soy milk, school, hot, milk, tuesday, wednesday, sore throat

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