Oct 03, 2010 18:56
So, I went to the Greek Festival with my volleyball team last night. As we watched kids our age doing traditional greek dances, I was acutely aware of my own lack of culture. As a non-religious, white American, there's nothing I can really can call "part of my heritage." All holidays that could remotely fall into that category (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.) have become such market holidays that they aren't really part of one culture anymore. Because immigrants, when coming to America, tended to adopt English customs, I think of such customs as national, regardless where you came from. There's no traditional garb or song or dance that I feel particularly connected to. Maybe I'm just so used to English culture that it doesn't seem very special anymore. Whee, the waltz, the suit. Englishmen were stiffs.
I don't know. It's not really a big deal, but I was feeling rather generic.