Commercial Break

Nov 22, 2008 23:00


Some you love, eg the new Barclaycard Advert, now who out there doesn't want their own personal waterslide and a song from the 70's that just grows and grows on you. Thank you itunes !!

Some you hate, and this is the point of this ranty post.

Coca Cola. Now I have, for as long as I can remember, detested Coca Cola adverts. Even before I found out that the Coca Cola company supported the Hitler Youth, drained much needed water from villages in India just to make more of their product and turned a blind eye to violence used against Columbian union members.

What has always bothered me is the claim that your life will be better if you drink Coca Cola, you will be a better person, your friends will like you more and you will be, in general, happier. Of courseI know that is the whole point of advertising but I am wise enough to know that a mixture of sugar, carbonated water and various flavours will not do any of the above for me.

But, and I'm arriving at my point, what really hacks me off is the Christmas Coca Cola advert. The one with the fleet of trucks and lots of smiley happy families rejoicing that their most favourite beverage in the world is arriving in their town.there they are lining the road as they watch the trucks with Santa holding a bottle of Coke pictured on the side.

And this year it's even worse. They're showing 5 second clips in between the ads that are on during a commercial break and playing their annoying jingle. So in fact each commercial break you get 2 maybe 3 showings of it.

Again I'm wise enough to change the channel or mute the sound as I frequently find myself doing but others are not and my fear is that they will associate this time of year with a sugary carbonated drink and not what they should be celebrating and that's a religious holiday. And I'm not just talking Christainity here, there are many religious significances aroung this time of year that are in danger of being overlooked because, as the Jingle says "Holidays are coming" ooh look and what happens when the holidays come. Big trucks full of Coke. Not a Winter solstice, Birth of Jesus, Diwali, Ede or any other you care to mention in sight.

I've picked up a book in stores and put it back a couple of times. It's the new Mark Thomas and it's an expose on the Coca Cola Company. Tomorrow I'm buying it. He's on my wavelength.

Thank Goodness someone is. I fear there aren't many of us left.
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