Jun 07, 2010 14:41
So I look back at a couple of my postings and they seem pretty deep, I catually like the pastion that I put into these type's of short i gusse essays in a sense. I wonder if I ever showed anyone them if they would think they are of any value. The last one I wrote is a very clear descritpion of what I felt during the last relashtionship I had... Very wierd and wierd messed up girl. But I felt so alive when I read this it was pretty invigorating, maybe this is just from the fact that I wrote it my self. Thats why I wonder if anyone else would like them. Oh I also must state that with in 3 weeks of the Spring quater starting I was strike physicaly by her and was told to document this by a superiour. Also I was contacted again by phone by a random phone number, First asking "how are you doing" I replyied "who is this?" she then replied " are you happy?... if you are just say yes.", "Sorry... Gusse your stronger then me", Also then saying "Fuck just say something". I did not respond to any of these and if there is any other contact I will take action. I am also getting phone calls from bloked numbers. C.P.B.
Ok so re-cap... Met the Devil... It is true the Devil comes in many forms... So far its been in the shape of two diffrent females. This one was the most victions and probly agressive one. She was very bad. Said extremely outlandish things about me that were not true. Though some things like I have said I did wrong, in the fashtion that was bestowed upon me they were very false. Honestly she isnt really worth writing much more than that about... Waste of my time and heart. (Well said). Though I will say in the most negative fashtion she has had a very huge impact on my life.
So what is up now. Im back home. Got through the year at MSOE... What a fucking insanly rediculas school just completely like ass raping the whole time. they are extremely hard. But I succeded with B,B,BC,C So I got my 2.5 required from the school to continue and I am VERY happy. You know I dont know were Im gonna end up but I have a good feeling with the abliliets that I have. Also being a Bio-Med Engieneer is so FUCKING COOL! Im very happy with my life currently. Though its insanly boring here at my home now I really cant stand it.
I want to go back to Wisconsin I miss it and miss the peope around there. I miss Erik and Danny and my new buddys that I have made out there. I think Im going back soon.