So WOW Amazing Amazing Amazing Weekend!!!!!!

Jun 08, 2009 01:11

So Weekend was great... don't know how to explain it. Started off with me heading to my buddies graduation in Bremerton. That was quite a fun time. We had alot of fun a keg of mac and jacks great beer. The Gardners are a awesome faimly and just love everything about them. Good solid people. So enjoyed this first night where i spoke to all my old friends from the Tomahawks was really fun. Saw Caleb Chris and drank some beer. as the night progressed there uncle Jeff proceded to come down to the fire with a clear bottle in hand. My famous last words for the night were Jeff: "try this..." Al: "Ok". It was moonshine 180 proof... I was fucked... So that night ended then I woke up the next day around 2pm and began to sit around kick back and enjoy the day I thought about leaving to go to home but decided to stay around and go to calab's gradution(probly spelling his name wrong, I blame it on the fact that i cant spell period). Thought that it would be nice to do that for him. This was deffinatly one of the best dissitions i made of the weekend first being that i went second going to the graduation. Cause as I sit down in the back with his brother, there friend and uncle, this gorgeous girl walks in front of me and sits down next to her friend. Imediatly all us guys begin to look at eachother with wide eyes. Chris had been talking to her friend so he then starts chating with her. Chris kind of looks over at me with a grin and nods me over. I respond with whats her name. so he asks she responds Crystal(had to later ask how to spell it ha ha). So eventually i had to build the courage to move my seat over to where chris was sitting. We stated to talk and it seemed to be going well. We asked if she wanted to come over and enjoy a camp fire with me and my friends and she did. Which i was quite pleased. I mean definatly sexy the way she came all the way out to the gardners just so she could hang with me. So we get to the house and introduce them to the "faimly" ha ha. We went down to the camp fire and began to talk and eventually sat next to eachother and slowly moved closer to eachother. She seem's to have the same morals I do. My mother always said id meet good girls in church. She was in a relation ship that ended in decmeber about the same time for me. Was a hard one where the person cheated i bieleve. Same with me. So were about in the same spot. Just wish she would live a little closer Bremerton is quite far but this girl is pretty great so far. So she's turning out to be worth it. Ugh im such a dork when it comes to girls... But anyways... She says she hasnt ever cheated... Thats good she likes to make the guy everything in the relationship same with me. She seems to hold very high standards for the guys she is with which is maybe a little intimidating. Im undecided if she is high maintinence yet... I hope not cause i like to treat the girls well and if there not high maintinence then they are more appreciative of the things i will do for them. She is very deep in her faith with the lord with is nice. I bieleve her faith is much stronger then mine. Not in the sence that she beileves in god more than me just she is a much more devoute christian than i am. But so far she is Gorgous, Smart, and has a Job... LOL she a triple threat gotta try and keep this one around. She seems to be into me. Im just kind of scared to get hurt like the last girl hurt me. She seems to be in the same spot. Like for some reason kind of lame only met her once but i think this could turn into a relashionship... She is flirty with me and seems to be headed in the same direction i am with personality and such. Well have to see the only thing im worried about is her sexual side. She said somethings that were kind of wierd. I told her that i generaly dont date a girl that i have sex with the first night... And well she did... Doesnt make sense makes me kind of scared. She said that it was the first time she had ever done that i will have to talk to her a little more. Like she lied to her Best friend so she could come out and hang, She then slept with me the first night she met me... Hmmm Im going to just have to ask her a little but about that. Seems to be kind of iffy. I dont want to get played so im maybe overly careful Ill just call her and talk to her about it.
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