Nov 29, 2008 01:36
So been a while since i posted in this thing. dang. Can't bieleve i started this thing with kayla as my GF. that was a long stinking time ago. gotta be like at least 5 years on this journal. ill have to check and look back at some of the crazy stuff i would write. This journal has to have me losing my V card. alot of high school. me starting to ref. midgets with josh. then moving to portland. playing juniours and now my freaking college hockey.
Oh ya im a college athlete now... Playing for becker college. it's nice i gusse the school's academics are kinda low from what my standards are but to be honest first college i have ever been to so dont know if i would know any better.
Hmm from looking at my last post there has been quite a bit that i havent updated. like the fact that my spelling and grammer are the same. Cant do Either. I found a Girl Friend over the summer finally first in like what 3 years. she was great. never really did anything wrong to me. Then i went to college and i thought it best to end the relationship. wanted it not to end in a bad way and have there still be a conection between the two of use... But that didnt work out the way i wanted it to and now I agian thought... (probly should stop doing that thinking thing) that it best we not even talk. witch is probly for the best for me cause it would be to hard. should have done that whole thing diffrent though. I want to tell her what i did was wrong and how i went about it. cause in reality she didn't deserve that. the just leaving her and not speacking to i said those things on the phone that last day it was wrong and hurtful and that im sorry, casue she really cared for me. she realy loved me. and i truly loved her. probly the first time in my life that i have ever felt true love. she was gonna move across teh country with me. it could posibly be just her though. cause she is in a new relation ship that she seems very happy in. witch im happy for. so ill say its safe to say it's just the girl, and how great she is. So hold on tight buddy cause if ya let her go ya never know who will be there... Another first ;) First time i have ever felt true love... Its now in here. So I could say this college ruin possibly a marriage for me... Cause i actully looked at it as a possiblity. She would have been a catch. BUT... Thats in the past, life goes on...
Now i have another girlfriend that i met in college Her name is Tara, she is a great girl. I love her alot. she makes me happy and im really missing her right now. Im on this long road trip to Vermont I think... and she is back home. i havent seen her for liek 4 days or somethign cause we all went on thanksgiving break and she went home... She seems to love me and care for me alot. Though i have slit trust issues not just with her but with all people. Im hesitant some times but i dont think i can hold back anymore i care to much about this girl. She really makes me happy. and is probly my best friend i have out on the east coast.She has a little brother who is like 3 and lives with her mother and her boy friend. been there a couple times to visit and slept over. Her faimly is nice they seem to like me. her uncles like to give me a hard time about not playing. but its ok. I feel bad though i feel like i cant give her everything, cause of the other stuff on my mind. witch isnt fair but. soon ill be over it. just a matter of time these things.
Hockey is sucking though im not playing and the coach no one is very happy with. He is kinda a hard ass and were always on the ice. cant go home hardly. maybe for a week in X-mas, other than that gotta stay. We skate at like 7:00 am every day it sucks alot. but gotta just do what ya gota do. Im kinda wanting to go to a school with engineering as a major. witch would be nice since im good with my hands and really good in math.
You think its better to give up everything for something great, or keep everything that you have thats good? Thats a true life question for me
<3 Tara