update redux

Jan 03, 2009 16:20

There's way too much that has gone on since the last time I seriously updated, so I'll keep it short:

- I'm now working for Starbucks. Yes, I know, but I'm happy. When was the last time that happened for me at a job?
- I'm still scorekeeping, still like it and still don't get enough hours. SG works there with me too, which is nice because he'll occasionally take my shifts.
- I'm still writing and doing my column, but seriously considering (okay, i've already decided) to not do it next year. It's a lot of work for barely any money ($1300 for the year), a lot of stress and a lot of misery. I hate interviewing. This makes me interview a lot. I got ripped by a coach for crappy interviewing skills. Yep, they haven't gotten much better since my freshman year of college.
- I lost my mentor and favorite professor in college this fall as he passed away. It hurt me more than losing any of my grandparents and I wish like hell I could talk to him about my quandary and questions about staying in (sports) journalism.
- I'm still dating SG.
- I may be taking a new job this year - one that's more PR than journalism, but I'll talk about that when/if I get there.
- SG got a Wii for Christmas and he's now addicted to it.
- I got a new car, though I think I already mentioned that in my last entry like five months ago.

That's basically it, although I'm sure there's still much more. Now, since it's still early January, I'll do my annual Resolution Recap.

Last Year's Resolutions:
1. For the third straight year, get a (better) paying job within hockey (preferably broadcasting) and MOVE OUT.
2. Get back in shape. I actually was doing fairly well with this last summer before I went crazy.
3. Compete in at least five races again and possibly add another one into the mix. This also includes doing a tri again.
4. Finally learn how to fucking kayak.
5. Play more hockey.
6. Get more of my crap/projects dealt with (i mean serious dents this time).
7. Be smart about my relationship with SG ... in not dating him waaaay past the r'ship expiration date like I did with D31. Hopefully that expiration date doesn't hit anytime soon, but if it does, hopefully I'll notice and realize it.
8. Since I need another one ... see my friends around here more.

1. Failed once again on both parts, but I'm really close to part two as that WILL happen this year.
2. Last year times two. Was doing well until October when I got the Starbucks job and life went downhill. Again.
3. Nailed this one. Did one tri, seven 5Ks and one 4miler.
4. I'm going to have to put this one off for a long while until I get money.
5. Ha. I played less hockey this year.
6. I'm stopping putting this one on the list as it never gets done.
7. Success! ... as it never hit that point. Plus we're smart and communicate like crazy. We have our problems, but we deal with them before we get to the full-blown fight stage.
8. *sigh* Fail boat. Sorry, guys. I think I saw everyone LESS this year than in past years.

So now, without further ado ...

Resolutions 2009:
A. GET ORGANIZED. This is the overarching theme for the year. I need to get organized ... not only around the house/rooms, but in all aspects of my life - physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, internally, externally, whateverly.
1. Find a job that will help me be more financially stable, whether it be in my field or not, whether I have to swallow my pride to take it or not. I realized the other day that I'm 25 and have never made over $20k in a year yet and, quite possibly, never over $10k. That, my friends, is fucking PATHETIC.
2. Develop a healthy lifestyle that I can actually STICK TO, not something that is inflexible with the demands of life. I feel so much better when I'm well-hydrated and well-nutrified (so probably not the proper term) that it's really a wonder why I don't adhere to eating well and working out on a consistent basis.
3. Embrace frugality. With the economy in the shitter and me currently making $7.50/hr basically working part time since stupid Starbucks cut hours, I need to spend less and save more. This includes me making my lunch as much as possible and avoiding spending where and when I can. I need to spend my food money at the grocery store instead of out at restaurants.
4. Continue racing, and expand beyond the 5K. I started this in November by doing the Mile High United Way Turkey Trot (the aforementioned 4miler) and actually almost ran the whole thing. To that point, it had been the longest distance I'd ever run. There's a 5miler I'd like to do in late April and I'd ideally like to be able to do the Bolder Boulder (a 10k) at the end of May. I have a lot of work to get there, but I think I can do it. I might also do more than one tri this year or, at the very least, add in a duathlon.
5. Consolidate my crap and cut down. I seriously have at least 30 boxes of shit in storage right now along with all the crap in the house. A lot of it is stuff that I'm holding on to for stupidly sentimental reasons and really, I just need to part with. Of course, this would involve me moving out to do this as I feel guilty doing it at home as it's basically just throwing away (okay, donating) hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars worth of crap I've accumulated over the years. Still, I need to cut back and cut down.
6. SEE PEOPLE. I miss hanging out with my friends. Hell, I miss talking with my friends. I don't do it enough. Facebook helps some (and i totally forget i even have a myspace account half the time), but I really could make more of an effort.
7. Write more often. This doesn't include journalistic crap, but rather updating this damn thing more often, even if it is just about nothing.

That sounds good for now. Oh, and if I actually know you in reality land, help me with number 6. Plzkthx.
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