Now don't go Exploding on me....

Sep 02, 2009 13:20

Can idiocy be contagious? if so, then i'm in trouble.

Okay, so last post, i was in Calgary cooking dinner (i think it was new years eve?)...
well, since then alot has happened, as per usual for times passage is want to do in our lives.

lets see;
-broke up, but didn't break up. (it's a long story)
-had a visit from my father, as per his annual pilgrimage back to Canada requires
-bought a Wii game system, and loving it :D
-sorta upgraded my computer, ... parts mostly scrounged from others upgrading their computers and getting rid of 'old stuff'
-got sick several times and spent many months absolutely useless
-got to travel to Newfoundland, Saint Johns', Trinity Bay and the infamous DILDO and Conception Bay's! :) also the film set/village of Random Passage!
-and finally the REAL BIGGIE... Moved!

Thats right Folks! This cub MOVED!!! sadly only a few blocks away from my previous domicile, but its into a brand newly renovated building (it used to be a school and auditorium; exterior and interiors of which can be seen in the 'spirit bear' movie which was filmed here.) So yah, I'm living in an old Film set :D Ain't that Kewl!???!!! :D

But the down side, is its still being built. I'll tell ya the specifics so you can hopefully follow me: I have three landlords. The TVM Group property owners who own the building, the City of Peterborough Housing Program who subsidizes my Rent payments, and KPP (Kawartha Participation Project) who i pay my rent too (and who leases the building from TVM.)
Following me so far? Good. Not? Too bad, it only gets worse from here on out.

So we were initially promised occupancy back in September. Then it was December. Then it was Janary/February etc... We were told in March to give out notices to our previous landlords for April 1, 2009. Based on previous track records of completion dates, I should have clued in that it was going to be a joke too. Well June 1 rolls up, puts the window down, and proceeds to thumb its nose at me. Still no apartment. to drive buy the building, you could look into the windows and see steel framing studs stacked in the corners and stacks of drywall elsewhere. Still little progress. Come to find out, they only had a crew of about 12 guys total working on the entire building complex most of whom were union and insisted on having hour+ long 'breaks' about 4x's a day... typical union mentality "Must stretch this project out as long as possible to milk every last penny out of it we can, and fuck the tenants that are supposed to be moving in, even if their being evicted by their previous landlords for not moving out on the day we told them they could move in here, its not our problem."

Anyways, *deep breaths*, So... July 1 roles around and i get a knock on my door about the middle of June ... "Oh btw we've rented your apartment so you HAVE to be out by July 1 so we can be in and clean/repair it before the new tenant moves in on July 15" the superintendent is telling me as he stands outside my door. So... yah... I tell KPP who is my primary landlord and they say, 'Well guess we'll have to put u in a hotel.' in the mean time, i'm only half packed. (gawd i have alot of stuff) anyways,... yah...
Long story short, my stuff moves into an uncompleted apartment a full week before i'm allowed to take occupancy, and the unit STILL isn't finished. It's 'livable' but the window trim is missing, the grout in the tiles not sealed, still cleaning crap of windows and floors from the construction crews, i had to install my own wallplates for phone and co-axial lines, and have had to do minor repairs to electrical.

*Le sigh* I'm Moved in :) I have 'assisted living' condition, so on the days i'm feeling really crappy and not able to do much for myself, or look after myself i just give them a a call and say "Hey, i need someone to come help me" and someone within a short bit arrives and helps. :D Its a two bedroom!!! (Zero storage though :( ) so all my linens and things have to go into a cupboard i had to buy to put all that stuff in. it has a fricken huge kitchen and humongous refridgerator, and lastly a roll in shower! I think i originally asked for a bathtub, but then clued in... i can buld a bathtub but can't build a roll in shower, so ... yah :)

New Digs for the cub :) I'll post pics someplace once i'm done painting and decorating and (mostly) unpacking to show off my new den :) and for those local your welcome to come buy and check it out in person :) or if your in the area drop a line and say HI :)
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