Nov 26, 2008 00:08
In a different language other than English or French at the 2010 Vancouver Canada Olympics.
1) Canada has 'two' official languages, based on historical land management. English and French.
2) Canada is a Free land, proud of its tolerance and ability to adapt to new conditions.
3) The Olympics are being Hosted by CANADA, Not India, Not Greece, Not Italy, Spain or even South America.
Therefore, if the national anthem is sung in any language other than English or French, the only language that would be appropriate is a language of the First Nation peoples. Not any other language.
When the Olympics are hosted by other countries, they don't translate their anthems to English, Spanish, or Chinese simply because there are immigrants from other countries that live there. They sing it in their national official language, and thats that. End of Discussion.
It would not be impolite nor out of tradition and acceptable behaviour for Canada to sing its national anthem in English/French/First Nations, and not in Hindi, Greek, Hebrew, etc.
And thus, while we change and adapt to many things, Are we the Swiss with professed neutrality? Are we Americans with our forced melting pot? Nope, We allow our citizens to keep their language, their culture, their religion; Can we not at least ask them to learn to speak English, French or First Nations? Can we not at least put our foot down and not be "creative" when it comes to Nationally Identifying aspects, Like Our National Anthem, Flag, Critter and flower?
Cause if we start changing anthems, why not just blowup the Parliament buildings and build something that shows Hindi, Muslim, Greek, Victorian, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Buddhist, Thia and any number of other foreign architectural elements and making it illegal to speak english. ((Yes, this is an extreme range of responses, but lets face it, Without the extreme to compare to, we'll end up there before we know it.))