RIP Mirepoix :'(

May 21, 2008 22:45

Mirepoix Porkchop S*****: July 8th, 2006 to May 21st, 2008

We had Mirepoix put to sleep this evening...he was old and sick and when we came home from being gone all afternoon, he was shaking as he wandered around his cage and he was having trouble breathing. We could tell he was in pain and this time it wasn't going to get better. So we did the humane thing, and we gave him a nice burial in our backyard.

This is the first picture I took of Mirepoix when I got him on August 8th, 2006. He came from a local pet shop that later went out of business, and I'm glad that I was able to rescue Mirepoix from a bad situation...the pet shop hamster enclosure was overcrowded, had pine bedding, and was lacking an exercise wheel:

Mirepoix soon learned to love his wheel, as well as eating:

And his bed...and eating:

Mirepoix had so much spunk:

And was incredibly curious about the world around him:

Above all else, though, Mirepoix was a mama's boy his whole life:

Even as he grew older, Mirepoix was still a wonderful companion and we loved him very much:

Goodbye, little buddy...I already miss you more than I can say.
Love always,
Ashley (Mom), Jim (Dad), Champ, and Brie.

X-posted to my journal and to hamsters.

rip mirepoix

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