(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 00:05

I had a really inspiring talk with a friend during luau workday. She recently found out that her father has cancer that was supposedly taken care of this summer. Listening to her talk about her father made me feel like such a self-involved shit head. With luau coming up, I've been so caught up in the drama of everything luau that I completely forgot about the things in life that actually matter. There is so much more to life than people talking badly about you. People are always going to say shit, but it's a matter of how you let it affect your life-- in a positve or negative way-- that makes things easier or harder for yourself. Watching my mother's journey of battling cancer for the second time opened my eyes for a while and made me see life in a different light. Somehow I lost that light here in Oregon. I allow myself to get caught up in the petty things that are so small in comparison to our parents battling cancer.  I find myself not being able to let go of the stupidest shit. Things that I probably won't even remember in the next few years, and if I do, I'll be wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I need to learn to be content with what I have rather than what I want. Guys, for instance, they come and go. It sucks when they go, especially when you really care for and love that person. It hurts to see them happy with somebody else, but eventually, although it may seem like forever, the feeling passes and you move on with your life. Life is too short to get dwell on the crappy things. Doing so will only prevent you from moving forward in life and hold you back from getting the things you deserve.
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