Spring Break is almost over

Mar 31, 2007 15:21

I'm pretty sure my AIM list is outdated. What are your screen names?

Your Heritage: Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiian, Russian

Innie or Outie? innie.

Parents Still Together? yes.

The Shoes You Wore Today: haven't left the hosue today, so none.

Your Weakness: nice guys and cheek dimples

Your Fears: roaches and spiders

Your Perfect Pizza: artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomoatoes, olives, mushrooms, garlic, pesto


Favorite colors black, brown, and green

Food? sushi, Korean, or Italian


Animal? cats

Ice Cream? Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Cookie Dough AND Ben and Jerry's Marsha Marsha Marshmallow

Candy? Whatchamacallit

Store? Charlotte Russe and Papaya

Salad Dressing? Oriental and French

Actor? Mark Wahlberg, Brad Pitt

Letter? K and L

Number? 21, 13, 7 (in that order)

Gum? Trident (the one in the orange package)

Holiday? Christmas

Season? Fall

Radio Station? I don't listen to the radio

Perfume? GAP Blue and Clinique Happy

Scent besides perfume? Acqua Di Gio, Old Spice, and homecooked food

Body part on the opposite sex? calf muscles, arms, back


What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? I don't know anymore.

How Do You Want To Die? quickly

Turn ons: a good sense of humor, green eyes, cheek dimples

Turn offs: arrogant and insecure

Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You? I'm pretty much one of a kind

Who's The Loudest? toss up between Marci, Page, and Chanel

Who Makes You Laugh The Most? Marci and Whitney

Who Have You Known The Longest? Elyse

Who's The Shyist? Brayden

What Is The Best Feeling In The World? being close to somebody. knowing that there are people in the world that care about you no matter how weird you may be. lying in a warm bed with somebody that you love. being with friends and family.

Worst Feeling? loss of a loved one. Rejection.

Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? Home.

If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be? my teeth and my big pores and my eyelids

How Long Do You Think You'll Live? I'm going to live forever!


Let's walk on the: sand.

Let's look at the : stars.

What a nice: car.

Where did all the:  cowboys go?

Why can't we: be together?

Silly, little: asian.

Isn't it weird that: I eat all the time and stay relatively skinny?

Never under any circumstance: will I try to steal someone else's bf.

I wish: I could say what I'm wishing for, but then it wouldn't coem true.

Everyone has a: secret.

I am: a jealous bitch, but not in the psychotic and possessive sort of way.


Been In Love? Yes.

Been To Juvie? No. My dad worked in juvie though.

Mooned Someone? I don't think so. If I did, it wasn't on purpose.

Been Rejected? yeah.

Ran Away From Home? no

Pictured Your Crush Naked? No. That's a little weird.

Skipped School? Yeah

Thought About Suicide? I've thought about it, but not in the sense of actually doing it. Just what life would be like if I did.

Slept Outside? Yes, and got bitten by a centipede.

Laughed So Hard You Cried? Yeah

Cried In School? Yeah.

Thrown Up In School? More than anywhere else.

Wanted To Be a Model? Never.

Cheated On Someone? yes, a long time ago.

Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today? of course. Life would suck if you couldn't laugh at the stupid things.

Seen A Dead Body? Too many for my taste.

Been Bitched Out? By somebody's mother for something that I didn't do in high school. Why can't parents let their kids deal with their own problems?

Drank Alcohol? Yessum.

Smoked? cigarettes.

Been On Drugs? only prescription medication.

Eaten Sushi? stupid question. NEXT!

Been On Stage? only for band. I was a band geek, but I loved it.

Gone Skinny Dipping? No. I'm only comfortable naked in front of certain people. There are less than 3 of them.

Shoplifted? When I was little I used to steal things.

Been Drunk? most definitely.

Been Called A Tease? Only by one person and I hope he was joking.

Been Beaten Up? Hell no.


Swear? Yes, but I'm trying to work on that.

Sing Well? I don't know about "well," but I think I can hold a tune.

Shower Daily? yes.

Want To Go To College? not at all.

Want To Get Married? Eventually, when I find someone. Being single kind of gets in the way of that though. I hate being single.

Believe In Yourself? sometimes.

Get Motion Sickness? sometimes in the car, but as long as I sleep the whole way, or talk the whole way, I'm fine.

Think You Are Attractive? To some.

Get Along With Your Parents? Yes.

Like Thunderstorms? only if there are other people around to share it with.

Play An Instrument? clarinet. can sort of play the piano and guitar

Own An IPOD? yes.

Pray? not really. I'm not the religious type.

Go To Church? only for funerals.

Sleep With Stuffed Animals? They sit on my shelf, but are not in the bed with me.

Keep A Journal/Diary? I do, and it contains every single detail of everything.

Dance In The Rain? No.

Sing In The Shower? Nope.


Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi, for sure.

McDonald's or Burger King? Burger King. I do like McDonald's apple pie though.

Single or Group Dates? either or. They both have good sides and bad sides.

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate.

Strawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries.

Meat or Veggies? Both

TV or Movie? Movies

Guitar or Drums? Guitar

Adidas or Nike? Nike

Chinese or Mexican? Chinese.

Cheerios or Corn Flakes? Honey Nut Cheerios or the yogurt ones

Cake or Pie? Pie for the most part, but ice cream cake is at the top of my list.

MTV or VH1? MTV.

Blind or Deaf? Deaf

Boxers or Briefs? Boxer Briefs


Do The Splits? Sadly, no.

Write With Both Hands? I can try.

Whistle? Yes.

Blow A Bubble? Yes.

Roll Your Tongue In A Circle? I'm not sure I understand the question.

Cross Your Eyes? Yes.

Walk With Your Toes Curled? Yeah

Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose? not anymore

Dance? not very well

Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry? Damn Straight!!!


You Talked To On The Phone: My mommy

You Instant Messaged: Talon

You Hugged: Marci

You Yelled At: I don't yell

You Played A Sport With: That was too long ago to remember anything.


Time You Laughed? yesterday

Time You Cried? I don't remember.

Movie You Watched? TMNT. Terrible movie!

Flavor Of Gum You Chewed? Orbit CitrusMint. It's not very good.

Joke You Told? - The girl who wanted to borrow her daddy's Porsche

Song You've Sung? Girlfriend. It's catchy.


Where Are You? my home in Ashland.

What Can You See Out Your Window? Our street, cars, trees

Are You Listening To Music? always

What Are You Wearing? shirt and shorts

What's On Your Mousepad? no mousepad


Do you believe there is life on other planets? I do.

Do you believe in miracles? Yes.

Love at first sight? No.

God? Not sure yet, maybe?

Satan? No.

Ghosts? Spirits.

Santa? Not since I was 3.

Evolution? Yes.


Fav Eye Color: green

Fav Hair Color: blackish or brown

Short or Long Hair: short

Height: 5'10" and above. No taller than 6'4"

Weight: I don't care. As longas they're not obese.

Best Clothing Style: Depends from guy to guy


What Country Would You Most Like To Visit? Ireland or Italy

Number Of CD's I Own: too many

Your Good Luck Charm: It was Andrew the penguin, but I had to give him back.

How many pillows do you sleep with? 4-6

Do you drink milk? Sometimes.

Person You Hate Most: Hate is a strong word. Dislike is a different story.

Most Outdated Phrase: Da Bomb

Do you think God has a gender?

Where do you think we go when we die? I'm not sure. Hopefully somewhere nice.

How many rings until you answer the phone? depends on who's calling and how far away I am from the phone.

What is something scientists need to invent? Teleporters

Are you a health freak? Not at all.

Are you a virgin? If I said yes, would you believe me?

If you could travel into space, where would you go? I don't really want to go to space.

What is the worst weather? Snow that's melting making the ground slushy and slippery

Did you play with Barbies as a child? Yes. I cut their hair and gave them tattoos.

How many grades have you failed? 0
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