20 things

Mar 13, 2007 22:20

List 20 things that you want to say to people, but never will.

Don't say who they are.

1) Grow some damn balls! You let _______ tell you what you need to do all the time and that's not okay. Stand up for yourself, and stop being such a pussy. It's annoying and painful.

2) You are one of the most beautiful people that I know, and I'm raging jealous that you're life seems so perfect in comparison to mine.

3) Learn to think for yourself. Don't just go along with everybody else wants to do. Speak your mind.

4) You hurt my feelings more than any person ever could and I hate that I still think of you sometimes. I regret what happened the last time we saw each other. It was a huge mistake and it ruined everything.

5) You are old enough to stop acting like such a damn baby. Grow the fuck up!

6) You act really cold a lot of the time, but I know you have a heart in there.

7) You say we're friends but you don't treat me like one, which is why I stopped calling you. You're the epitome of a flakey friend.

8) You're are not as hot as you think you are and the world does not revolve around you. Nobody likes you, even your "friends." Sadly, you don't care because you are a selfish, spoiled brat. You're not that great, get over it!

9) Sometimes you made me feel like such a sack of shit. Actually, you still kinda of do. You are such a fucking idiot. What were you thinking?! It will never work.

10) I'm nice to your face, but I really don't like you that much. Stop trying to be my friend. We weren't friends before, so why try now?

11) We used to be such good friends and you dropped me because of something so ridiculous. You're an asshole. I'm just too nice to tell you.

12) You try too hard to be different from other people. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.

13) You made me kinda sad/scared when you said you'd kick my ass if I did something that I really would never do. Sad because I'm not like that, and scared because you would.

14) Stop living your life up to other people's standards. You have a brain, you should use it.

15) I will never sleep with you. You're dirty and that's not attractive.

16) I can't believe somebody actually wants to marry you. You're pretty disgusting in case you didn't know.

17) Don't fall in love so easily. Your heart will get broken way more times than it should.

18) You need to learn how to interact with other people because all you do is annoy them.

19) Nobody will ever want to marry/date you if you can't learn to compromise. Nobody likes a person who thinks everything should be their way all the time. We're not in kindgarten anymore.

20) You're too immature in certain ways that I won't mention on LJ. You really don't deserve what you're getting right now.
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