Aug 26, 2005 14:51
A few random facts about my Birthday :)
-My birthday was yesterday and Im 17 now..
-I had the most amazing cake and supper ever in the entire world..
-I got money for my brithday mostly..and a new desk..
- My favourite uncle forgot my brithday altogether..only his g/f (my manager) called to wish me a happy b-day
-the people at Montana's embarrassed me to the point of crying almost with their stupid birthday song and hat...
-I had the best birthday breakfsat ever with J and Kristie :)
-I am afraid to go to work because I heard they like pie people in the face on birthdays..
On other notes:
-school is coming back soon and we're gonna be the big kids FINALLY!! YEYE!
-hockey is starting soon ANOTHER YEYE!!!!!!!
I had a break through and know exactly WHICH school I want to go to..and I know exactly for sure without a doubt what I'm taking :)
-there is a shitload of stuff to do this year...
and finally..................................
AVRIL LAVIGNE (sp?) CONCERT ON WEDNESDAY! not that I'ma huge fan but she's ok..even if she's a little too emo for me :S I'm excited anyway cause my BEST FRIEND WON OUR TICKETS!! YES YES!!
FAulkneRR <3