Dec 29, 2003 21:51
Today was like the apocolypse. For once, playing soccer pays off. I got a free massage today just because I'm an athlete. How cool is that?
For Christmas I got rechargable batteries. They rock. I just realized since I'm 16 now I can get a Kroger Card. It's exciting. I'm not even joking. I'm a nerd.
John Mayer is on Conan tomorrow night. Because of that, I might not go to the concert. Decisions. No actually it depends on if my parents let me go. But still. I'd miss John.
If you go to the DMB website you can listen to a holiday message from Boyd. He talks about the year and his album and Dave's album and stuff and then says how they can't wait to go into the studio and release a new DMB CD next year. I was so happy when I heard that. My mom said the other day that everyone's saying they were breaking up and I was so pissed because there was no way that was true and no way I would believe it. Boyd confirmed my superstitions and it made my day. Do you know I shook his hand twice?