Jun 04, 2009 23:27
well Its been a while and alas I do miss matt...i guess thats what happens if you hang out with someone for three months straight and now that I have a lot of free time, i chose not to see him and being the pig headed that he is he thinks that I should be the one to give in and call him....NO, this time he was the one who made the first move and crossed that friendship/lover line and he is going to pay. Or at least I can look like I dont think about him. Well the good news/bad news is that I got a new laptop and since everyone is naming their stuff I decided to name him Xander (Alexander). so I am happy that I got a big girl toy now, but I am still trying to cut and budget so I dont have internet at home so I just try to bum off other ppls so It comes and goes. at least when i am teaching class my comp wont freeze up and the students cant complain anymore about it. Another thing is that I got my new Bag!! I dont usually get excited about it but I really love it because its purple!! its the girly side in me plus i got new tons of make up from vic secret since they have 75% off the very sexy line...well now the only thing I am looking forward to is the San Antonio trip in two weeks....my only vacation this summer so I am going to try to make the best out of it.