Thursday night, Audrey, Jonathan, and I went to Matt's hockey game, and then she spent the night. that was a good time. Karaoke revolution was fun until we woke up lillian and had to stop.
Last night, Matt came over and i surprised him :0). We left and saw Red Eye . I liked it a lot. I love Rachel McAdams. except for in Mean Girls. I didn't like that movie. But her and Cillian Murphy did a great job. After that Matt came back to my house and we layed down and talked until 2 something. It was a really nice night :0)
- Today I am probably going to help work on the dragster i think. Maybe get some work done on my project, maybe frame some of my photos to put on my walls :0)
- Sunday is a breakfast with some family and then my cousin's baby's baptism ceremony. It should be nice
- I am excited for dragsterday and all of the parties and shtuff that goes along with it. that should be awesome
- This weekend I am seeing Dane cook with Jordan, April, and Hope. that should be awesome
- I'm excited to go camping in September, it should be a really good time :0)
- School is starting soon. That's a little less than awesome, but i hope it goes well!
That's all i have to say about stuff coming up.
Confidence is awesome. But if you have to make fun of others to get it, then you are the one who is really lacking it.
Don't Lie to anyone. Be honest or it'll come back to haunt you.... or make you look like an idiot.
Stay true to yourself. Don't change for anyone. But do what makes you happy and do what won't hurt you.
Say what you want, think how you want, dress how you want, do what you want.
But don't be ignorant.