Today I acctually ended up waking up late....didn't mean to..but o well I kinda needed it. So then I got up and got ready and said bye to my grandparents because they left early. Then Chils came over well acctually i got to drive out and get her woopie!!! And we had an amazin day......WE danced around like maniacs and then watched MEAN GIRLS the most amazin movie on the plaent and then made a community journal ...cher and kel your in it to... To visit it go to my profile or go here: Anyway then we ordered chinese food and i got chils hooked on OC;) and now she thinks seth is hot,...which is very true...haha BUT RYAN IS HOTTER!!!!
Anyway we had an amazin tim ei love you babe!!!
CAN'T WAIT TILL NEW it's gonna be amazin;)
Chils-RUb off your Nipples...haha
Can't wait cher;)
Kel can't wait to hang out with you...
Brenden excited for tommorrow...I LOVE YOU!