Jan 19, 2005 18:14
~~~thingz that make me happy~~~
~trying an outfit on the night b4 that fit perfectly, and magiclly lossing 5-10 poundz over that night, and the outfit is to big
~looking good, i love looking in to a mirror ang goin o snap, whoz the real byotch now, huh? lol
~secret smiles, wat do they mean, could be bad but hopefully GOOD!!!!
~getting compilamented, i no it doesnt sound like a big deal, but i luv pplz saying awesum earingz, or tight shirt or i luv ur pantz!!!! makez me feel proud
~eating dumplingz, dont no y just does
~drinking green tea
~beating guyz in hockey!!!!! buyah i kicked ass today!!!!!!!!!!!1
~getting starez from guyz, mysertious starez, w/ a secret smile...ooooooooooo i lliuv that!!!!!!!!
~when a guy talkz to me dont care who, but i feel honored, unless ofcourse, ur an enemy, then it'z annoying
~guyz laughing at my jokez, how corny they are
~seeing my friendz be happy
~1 on 1 time w/ my friendz, luv u all, but toghter we are a mess lol
~walking in to school w/ my gullz jacket and guyz goin, u play hockey????? and i get to say, yea for the girlz 16u, that usally shutz up the guyz that think they are all that for being on the b team for peeweez or batamz or w/e, loserz!!!!!!!!!
~snuggling into my sheetz
~looking at troupheyz i have being all booyeah bitch i got a lotz of trophyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ribbonz!!!! and i got a plate!!!!!
~relizing how athletic i am
~joking around w/ the guy i like.......u dont no who!!!!!!!! ha ha suckerz!!!!!!!
~typing the last line to my lj, bi!