The Cross and Me

Apr 03, 2006 00:27

This vision came to me at Shekinah tonight, and as I thought about it more and more, the more I grasped the reality of it all. Here's what I saw.
It was the night of the crucifixion, Jesus was on the cross hanging above me, the dark and threatening sky sent a chill across the mountain. As I kneeled before the cross, down beside me was a screen that showed my whole life, from the very beginning to where I am now. BANG! I look up at Jesus only to see one extra spike driven into his hand that wasn't there before. I put that nail in when I first sinned. Bang! Bang! Bang! More and more spikes were being driven into him as I watched in helpless horror as the blood flowed down faster and faster. The spikes kept being driven in, faster and faster. Soon Jesus's whole body was covered in spikes...there was no room for not even one more spike. The spikes continued to be driven into the ground below Jesus. Another lie, another fight, another wrong word said, three more spikes driven into the ground. The more I sinned the further away I was driven from the cross. The spikes now seemed to cover a radius of atleast a football field. I tried to climb on top of the spikes to walk across back to Jesus but they were too high. I tried to squeeze in between them but they were all nailed so tightly together. I couldn't even see the screen of my life anymore but the spikes kept coming. Tears streaming down my face as Jesus is no longer in site...just a world of cold, grey, steel spikes. Hope is fading and I'm about to give up when all of the sudden the spike I'm leaning on is lifted and I fall to the ground. The spikes are still coming but seems that they're being picked up even quicker. I get up and start to run towards the cross. Could it be? YES! The spikes were actually being pulled out from Jesus's body and I could actually see him again! He never looked the same again; his whole body was covered in wholes and he looked as limp as could be but yet the whole sight comforted me. Jesus looks at idea how he's still alive. His eyes seemed to be trying to tell me that everything was ok now but I didn't understand. Why? So many questions running through my head that I had no answers to. "God! WHY!?" With that Jesus bowed his head and said, "It is finished."
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