Mar 04, 2005 01:48
its been a little while since i've updated this. As you can tell from the subject i am excited about march 4th. The reason for that is b/c march 4th is my birthday! It's been fun for the almost 2 hours so far. I had a hockey game tonight. it was at 11:00. and frankly im tired of how my team has been playing. I mean, we are all trying but some people just arent clicking together and nothing gets done. I am part of the problem too so im not trying to blame it on others, im in the boat too.
Well, we played shane's team. We lost by 2. I'm tired of saying the words 'We lost...'. But i played super hard today. At the beginning of the game we only have 5 people on our team b/c the game started a little early. We ended up with 8 or 9 people. It was hard, i'll admit but i pushed myself harder than i had in the past. There was one guy on the other team that kept pissing me off. And we i get mad i push myself even harder, so that didnt help. He kept hitting me with his stick while we were in our zone at the line, for no aparent reason. I can understand once or twice, but everytime we were in that position he would do it. I had a good chance to score but something happened and i slipped and missed everything, puck included. I dont remember a lot of the end b/c at the very end of the game, my vision got all crazy & dizzy and all i vaguely remember the end. I remember that we pulled our goalie and we were in their zone and then the vision stuff. I pushed myself a little too far this time & after we all shook hands and everything i dropped down to one knee. Shane came over to see if everything was alright. He helped me to the bench. i sat down and my teamates came around to see what was up & they gave me some water.
I got to the area were spectators sit & was laying there and drinking water every now and then. I got outta my gear and alex, jj, and sergio were right there.
I looked at the clock and it said '11:59' and i just sat there watching it. As soon as 12 came i kinda did a little half-ass dance & then those 3 started calling my phone. They kept telling me that it was busy so i knew that once i got to my phone it would have 100+ messages on it. it only had 10 missed calls. That was cool to hear those messages and it brightened my night after that lose.
We all left there and headed to IHOP. We all got some food and acted crazy. We had some of those little things that when you blow into it, it unravels & some of the better ones make noise and..and.....nevermind I cant think of the name for that thing so im gonna give up. Anyway, if you know what im talking about read on this next part. if not, skip this b/c it wont make any sense at all. These two chicks just came up to us and tried to make conversation with us. one goes to UT & the other goes to UNT, i got that much outta that conversation. then asked us if we could all blow into them at the same time. After that they left. That was a bit strange.
My plans fell through. I was planning on leaving outta town in the morning but things just didnt work for me so i'm gonna be around here in round rock/taylor this weekend.
I'm going to bed now.