(no subject)

Oct 23, 2004 23:13

Seven things in your room:
1. My bed
2. My bass & acoustic guitars
3. a hole in my wall (oops)
4. dresser
5. My stereo
6. CD's all over
7. Stuffed animals

Seven things to do before death:
1. make a life-long impact in someone's life
2. get married
3. watch my child(ren) grow up
4. meet Mike Modano
5. show my brother the better path in life
6. go skydiving w/ my dad
7. Play a game at the American Airlines Center w/ atleast one Dallas Stars player

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. good sense of humor
2. eyes
3. personality
4. able to get along
5. common sense
6. kind hearted
7. smile

Top seven movies: (not in an order)
1. The Passion
2. Miracle
3. Aladdin
4. The Lion King
5. Gladiator
6. The Matrix
7. Cowboy Bebop

Top seven things you say most:
1. Yatzee!
2. Sure why not
3. I suppose
4. Hello
5. Nah im cool
6. your done
7. i dunno

Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Pray?: yep
Gone skinny dipping?: nah
Had a medical emergency?: ummmm....i think
Had surgery?: got bitten by my dog & had to get stitch
Had a b/f or g/f: yep
Swam in the dark: absolutely
Been to a Bonfire: yep
Got Drunk: nah
Played strip poker ?: there was that one time
Been on stage?: yep yep
Made out with a stranger?: nope cant say i have
Smoked a Cigar: nope
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: I dunno
First kiss?: middle school
Pepsi or coke?: Pepsi
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolater
Open-minded?: i think so
Patient?: most of the time
Hyper?: not really
Nice?: yea i'd like to think so
Happy?: i try to

Believe in:
Soul Mates?: yea
Believe in love at first sight?: could happen
Believe in forgiveness?: yep yep
Want to get married?: yep
Want to have kids?: yep

In the last 24 Hours have you....:
Cried?: no
Bought something: yea
Gotten sick: nope
Sang: yes
Been kissed: no
Felt stupid: yeah
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't: yep
Talked to an ex: nope
Had a serious talk: no
Missed someone: yea
Hugged someone: yea
Argued with a parent(s): no

Social Life
Boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
Car you drive: n/a
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: it depends
Job: YMCA after-school councilor
Attend church: i havent in a while
Like being around people: yea for the most part

I've never been drunk: true
I've never smoked pot: true
I've kissed a member of the opposite sex: True
I've kissed a member of the same sex: False
I've never crashed a friends car : True
I've never had sex in public: True
I've never made out with a stranger: True
I've never been to a concert: False
I've never gotten anything pierced: True

Food: Mexican
Color: Greem
Movie: Miracle
Number: 10
School Subject: theatre
Holiday: eh..
Radio station: 103.9
Channel: Don't have one
Scent: ....
Magazine: ....
Store: .....
Fast food: Braum's
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Language: All i really know is spanish, i relaly havent heard much of any others. I've led a sheltered life.

Thing you ate: enchiladas
Thing you drank: water
Place you went: La Margarita
Person you hugged: my grandma! She rocks!!
Person you kissed: I dunno
Person you talked to: Tosha
Person you IMed: i dont rememeber.
Song you heard: Drive by Incubus

Are you artistic: a little bit
Are you athletic: somewhat
What are you listening to?: My December by Linkin Park
Makeup or natural look?: Natural
If you could be anything, what would you be?: A defenseman or left wing on the Dallas Stars
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