"I don't recall seeing 'Stab Gunn' on the agenda this morning!"

Dec 29, 2005 23:54

I have a sneaking suspicion this makes me a bad Wesley fan, but: Just as Forever had a greater impact on me than The Body, I liked Shells more than A Hole in the World. It's the aftermath that matters more to me than the prolonged moment of death itself.

Actually, allow me to further tarnish my fannish credentials: I can't help but wonder whether Fred's death still would've had a significant emotional impact on Wesley even if the writers hadn't rushed to make Wes/Fred a reality - if they had kept Wesley's feelings strictly unrequited. As it stands, I feel like the start of their relationship is a bit of a manipulation and rather unnecessary.

One thing's for sure: I need to acquire AtS for keeps so I can re-watch. I need to figure out what bothers me about Connor so I can give selenak her due one of these days. And I need to figure out why I love Wesley, yet am unable to really get on board the WESLEY/FRED OTP FOREVER!!!eleventy-one11! train. I need to figure these things out so I can write essays. Yes.

buffy & angel

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