Years ago,
selenak wrote
a nice summary describing some of the ways in which distrust of benevolent parental figures has filtered into current-day science fiction and fantasy. Well, my dear friend, we can add one more show to the list: Stargate SG1, which begins to de-throne Oma Desala and the Ascended Ancients as superior mentor figures in the sixth season and finishes the process quite conclusively with Threads in the eighth. Again, the Vorlonic motif repeats itself - the Ascended care more for rules and order than for the fate of actual living beings on the lower plane.
(Yes, I know I'm way behind on Gate matters. Shut up.)
We've reached critical mass. It's time for a Dragon*Con panel on these wayward powers that be, I think. See me nod decisively.
So, yes, in case you haven't caught on by now,
sabr_matt has brought home more DVD's, which, along with the holiday prep, explains my absence of late. In the Christmas run-up, we shopped, I made cookies between watching SG1 DVD's, HobsonphileMom decorated the house, and kitty lounged about the living room like the spoiled fur-baby she is.
I hope everyone else is enjoying the holidays. I won't brag about my Christmas loot except to say that I am now better equipped to write about BtVS should the fic/meta muse strike me. And I finally have nice socks for work, which - and try not to faint, fellow fangirls - is even more important. *g*