Jun 01, 2005 22:44
When I was in the first or second grade, I had special 'play time' with the school counselor, to find a reason why I wasn't turning any work in to the teachers. I went to the sideroom of the library, and the counselor sat in her chair in the back of the room and talked to me while I played with all of the different toys in the room. In theory, I was working out my conflicts with the toys in the room. I had a routine. I furnished the dollhouse, fixed all the doll's clothing (which were always missing or mismatched at the beginning of every session), and played actually in the house for about a minute before taking the family of dolls on excursions around the room where they met exotic stuffed animals. Then I buried toy soldiers in the sand, just so that I could find them. I might play with clay next, or maybe make the counselor a drawing. Then I played with the rubber birds. Always, I implored her to play with me, and always, she said no. I wish I had her notes on this, this stuff is the only stuff I remember. I wish I knew her interpretation.
The Sims could be my playroom now. I always have a character or two who I inadvertantly use as my identity. Currently, her name's Inui. She had a lot of relationships, had a family, had a job, and I decided she was bored. That living with a family and living in the suburbs was killing her. So I made her a slum to hang out in, and bought her a motorcycle. She got very near the top of her career, was happy with the distraction of a slum and slumites, and then crashed when she needed to do too much. She had a kid, hated her husband, bought a new house, and couldn't be happy. So she quit her job, tried to find distraction, maybe not challenge, in a new one. Which failed, again, when she needed to do too much. She lost all but 3 of her friends, and leaned on maybe one of those too much. She was incapable of sleeping, spent the whole night smoking instead. I said she was apathetic, disaffected, reckless, desperate for meaning. Next I remembered she was a sim, and there was no real reason she should be feeling any of these things. So I quit.
Again, I really wish I had an interpretation, so maybe I could interpret this. It's pretty obvious really, that I'm disaffected. Disenchanted. Bored.
Bored. I hate to sum it up like that.
the brass monkey