"Y'know, you didn't have to go and pinch it off or nothin'. I coulda waited."

Feb 02, 2006 22:17

- the beginning of perhaps one of the best discussions I've ever had with Brutha Hellwood. TRUST me, y'don't want to find out.

So hangin' at the library with th' Vy. Momma's up in class, we "studyin.'" Just a quick update.

Vy took her first big spill this past weekend while we were traipsing around the backyard. Busted her lip pretty bad, and bled quite a bit. For a good day and a half she looked quite a bit like Ducky from "The Land Before Time." She's completely healed up now, tho', and the incident certainly did not dampen her explorative nature when it comes to the outdoors.

Here's a list of words and phrases she says/understands: eyes (will point to them if asked), mouth (the same), ears (the same), nose (the same), hair (the same), toes (the same), "Bee-bo" -i.e. belly button, bath (will stand by bathroom door pointing and saying "Baff" if mentioned), "nana"-banana, uh-oh, Oh NO (she sounds like Mr. Bill when she says this), "Wah, Too, Tee"-one, two, three; Walk; She just said "App-oh", juice, shoes, Mama and Dada (of course), Car, truck, duck, quack, dog "woof", "kit-tee," "Mow"-meow, "Ooh-ooh-ahh" for monkey sound, book, "Tankoo"- Thank you,

and most regrettably, "Oh Shit."

That's not even one of my favorite swears (which I've been doing very well at restraining myself from saying around her, seeing as she is sucking up vocabulary at this point) and yet she knows it. In fact, a few minutes ago, she dropped a piece of apple and said "Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh shit. shit. shit." It may not be the word, but it sure sounds like it, and in the proper context. Hmmph.

This Super Bowl stuff is pretty exciting. This morning I was going in to work about a Quatter to Fo', and the Ren Cen was lit up with spotlights from the top of each of the four shorter towers, and were changing from Blue to Red to white. Ford Field was shooting spotlights up every which way. Terribly impressive, 'specially for four in the morning when nobody but schmoes like me are up to see it. It's crazy all the old buildings they've torn down up the woodward corridor north of 75. Where there was once a bigass hotel right there is now a dirt field. These improvements better keep up afterwards. But if the new Cheli's Chili goes belly-up in a few years (which it won't), I got dibs on that building. Me an' Alahambra Brohambrus got some plans, and that bulding goin' ta be OURS BITCHES! HA!

...that or the Cass Castle'll do, but again, fat chance.

Alright, some quick homework and then me an' Vy gonna tear this place up.

Slag OFF!

*exeunt n' fleurish*
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