Extract from the prophecy of ages:

Jun 16, 2005 22:08

Through Tentors left foot the bane of evil was born, and through his right hand its redemption. For balance must be attained by all things, especially those of light and dark, for those are the rules of Constintine the Great Mother.

For tanted must these creations be, or darkness would surely envelope light. So remember, even the purist of good is not without evil, and the same goes for the counter. This holds true for all things living.

Subsection 8 part 3b in reference to the arrival of Tyren before the second great war:

In the subsequent hour of the witching, a legendary being of the highest order,  thought of to have been born of darkness will come forth and reveal himself as the once thought lost god. For deceived you have been about his true existence, but every clue was given as to his identity. His rebirth however will not be without bloodshed. In order for him to open the final gate to the realm of spirits and regain his sword and true strength, he must at last submit to his rage, his bloodlust shall be unquenchable.
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