Feb 16, 2008 22:56
So I decide to have this guitar I bought off ebay sent to my house. Because last time I had it sent to school it was a fucking mess. But apparently it doesn't matter, either way I can't fucking win. On the site when I track it, it say invalid address. Which its not, but I know why. Because Warren felt it was necessary to change 'Old Reed Street' to 'Knox Trail Road' even though its clearly the original Reed Street? Who gives a fuck anyway? Whats the fucking point a name change? But this was years ago. Apparently nobody fucking updates anything. So I pretty much drove home for no reason, the package should have been here Thursday, but the stupid assholes at Fedex make shit up on why they couldn't get it here. Like a 'weather delay', even though it was beautiful out. And then the next day it says no reason, just a delay. Finally 9pm tonight it says the address is invalid. Thanks for dicking around assholes. I should have drove there and got the fucking thing myself. Why is everything so difficult? It doesn't help that the dumbfucks don't ever answer their phone. Ever. Why even have one IF YOU HAVE NO ONE TO ANSWER IT? Heres the best part: I've had Fedex ship to '190 Knox Trail Road' (and UPS) numerous times. I guess its invalid this one time. Fuck. AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH