Finally over!

Nov 04, 2004 00:54

Well, Bush has, despite being the worst president since carter, managed to win, popularly, an impressive victory. I'm not really happy about it. I'm happy that Kerry lost, I just wish Bush could have lost as well. The Libertarians got as many votes as Nader, but are still being ignored, I wonder why. More importantly, I think this election needs to be for the Democrats what 1964 was for the Republicans, major re-alignment time. After 64, Nixon's southern strategy allied western and southern conservatism, and worked furiously hard to build a base. Unfortunately, the wrong side has taken over the party.

I don't know a single person who likes bush, I only know people who liked kerry less. Bush's brand of big government conservatism combines all the worst elements of the republican party into a disturbing trend. While the party appears unified there are deap divisions. The situation is almost exactly that (but reversed) of that in '64.

The Democrats need to take advantage of this, and re-align '64 style. Not to the right, at least not in a traditional sense, but to abandon the european social democracy model in exchange for something americans can believe in. Its not an easy thing, the republican re-alignment didn't pay off until '88 or '94. We need to oppose bush's big government conservatism, but the current democratic party is too weak and divided. Social democracy has been rejected in america, its time for something new. Maybe what we need is a Blair style 3rd way, or libertarianism, but the current Democratic party has proven utterly inept.
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