Yay! The unconstituitional assault weapon's ban is gone! I noticed something today reading the editorials. Virtually everyone celebrating the ban talked about how the ban didn't affect crime, how it was poorly worded, and how it used the term "assault weapon" to scare people. The weapons banned were no more dangerous than any hunting rifle.
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Really, though, no one's going to break into my room, so the gun would moulder in a drawer. Unless I bump it and it accidentally goes off. Wonder what it would hit. Hopefully not Kelly's Game Cube next door, I would mourn it. I'd probably mourn Kelly too, if she got hit. Luckily no one ever comes in my room except for me, so the everpresent danger of some moron picking it up and accidentally shooting himself in the foot is almost nil. Can you imagine shooting yourself in the foot with an assault weapon? You'd tear up your foot real nice, and probably whatever's (or whoever's) downstairs. Unless you have the explode-on-contact bullets (hollow tipped?), in which case there'd just be nothing left of your foot.
If I want to defend myself, I'll buy a katana. It's less likely to hurt someone I don't mean to hurt. I wish everyone else would, too, and save a lot of little kids getting shot. The adults who shoot themselves accidentally are darwin awards, but the kids were just kids and didn't know better. I think the only real reason to own a gun is to shoot zombies if they attack (swords not so good on zombies) and frankly that's even less likely than the person breaking into my room in the night.
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