Nov 11, 2004 22:12
I envy pretty much everyone in one way shape or form. I figured this out today when I was driving behind Wake Tech students, wishing that I could go there rather than AHS. How terrible is that? hahaha. But really, anyone who had the day off today, anyone who slept in longer than thirty minutes, I envy you. Those of you who aren't still procrastinating, I envy you. Those of you with fun co-workers, I envy you. SOMEONE FUN PLEASE APPLY AT ACE BEFORE I STRANGLE THE KIDS I WORK WITH!
On a brighter note, my mother and I are getting along again. My dad's brother is in town so he's all up beat. The house is cheerful, it's odd in a good way.
But you know what the best part of me dreading school tomorrow is? IT"S FRIDAY ALREADY!!
*ignores the fact that I work all weekend*
I love having a litter of puppies around again. If any of you need a puppy fix, I'm more than willing to share. They can make running over a premature baby seem okay... well maybe not, but you get the idea.