Transmutation - 002 [accidental video]

Dec 29, 2010 19:04

[Hohenheim is back in Liore, helping with the reconstruction efforts. There are some tools that he's repairing with alchemy, though there are no arrays or transmutation circles to be found anywhere. He doesn't even need to clap his hands to perform the transmutation. A teenage boy makes his way through the crowd. Judging by the suitcase he's carrying in one hand, it looks like he's a new arrival. The boy makes is way toward Hohenheim.]

You performed alchemy without a transmutation circle... [He peers closer at Hohenheim.] Blond hair, gold eyes... An alchemical genius... You wouldn't happen to know the Fullmetal Alchemist, would you?

You mean Edward Elric? Yes, he's my son. Are you a friend of his, by any chance?

Ah... not exactly. You see, a year ago, the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother came here to Liore and exposed the priest of Leto as a fraud. When I saw how he used alchemy to defend himself from Father Cornello's men, I decided that I wanted to study alchemy, too. I left home for Central, so that I could find someone to teach me the basics. Unfortunately, even after a year of study, all I can manage is this...

[The boy kneels down in the dusty street and traces an array with one finger in the dirt. Taking a pouch from his belt, he empties the contents into the center of the circle, which turns out to be nothing more than sand. Pressing his fingertips to the edge of the circle, the etchings glow with a blue light. Alchemical energy crackles and the pile of sand is transmuted into a bird of delicate blue glass with wings spread outward. The boy picks up the glass figurine and presents it to Hohenheim, who gingerly holds it in his cupped hands.]

I wanted to use my abilities to help rebuild this city, but all I'm really good at is making glass from sand. Heh... I guess I'm not much use to anyone as an alchemist, huh?

I wouldn't say that. [Hohenheim continues to stare at the delicate figurine, as if it were a real bird that might take flight at any moment.] You've only studied for a year. There's still so much that you can learn. Besides, you don't need alchemy to help with the reconstruction efforts, right? As long as you have two hands and a willingness to work, I'm sure you'll find something you can do.

Really? You think so?

I do. Besides, it may not seem like much, but even a small figurine like this can bring joy to someone. [Hohenheim offers the glass bird back to the boy.]

I was wondering, Mister...?


Right, Mr. Hohenheim. Is your son here with you now?

...No, I'm afraid not.

[The boy looks crestfallen.] Oh. Do you know when he'll be back? [Hohenheim shakes his head.] I see... Well, could you pass on a message for me? [Hohenheim nods.] Could you tell him... tell him I said thank you, and  that I'm glad he came to Liore that day. And that he's a real inspiration to budding young alchemists, like me. And... could you give this to him? [He offers the bird once more.] I know it's not much, but I want him to have it, anyway. Maybe... it will bring him a little joy, you know?

[Hohenheim takes the offered bird once more and smiles.] I have heard stories that say 'happiness is a bluebird forever in flight.' I'm certain that he'll appreciate it.

Thank you, Mr. Hohenheim. [He picks up his suitcase.] I have to get going now. I can't wait to go home and see my family again. [Hohenheim's eyes twitch behind his glasses. The boy waves and begins walking away.] Take care of yourself!

[Hohenheim waves to the boy once before staring down at the glass bluebird in his hand once more.]

((OOC: Black text is the young alchemist NPC, and brown is Hohenheim.))

winry rockbell, azula, !video post

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