we have arrived on to the future and the whole world has become....
E L E K T R O N I K............ S U P E R S O N I K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "The tiny Eastern European republic of
Molvania was disqualified from the Eurovision Song Contest this year. Zladko “Zlad” Vladcik was to perform his very popular techno-ballad, “Elektronik - Supersonik” - described as “a melodic fusion combining hot disco rhythms with cold war rhetoric”. However, the 23-year-old singer was arrested at Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport and immediately deported. While Eurovision does not normally test for recreational drugs, unfortunately for Vladcik, Turkish Customs do."
molvania.com this, though unrelated, has fueled my admiration for the great
miko mission and rocketed his hit single
how old are you to the top of my charts.