My little political activist

Nov 10, 2005 10:36

I know I haven't written in FOREVER! I've been reading here and there though. I thought this was funny and wanted to share what my 6 year old has been up to.

I think I tramautized Logan during the last election! The other night we were watching West Wing. They are currently having a presidential campaign on the show and this episode was the debate. They set it up to look like an actual debate, with almost no commercials, and even the same guy hosting it. Mark and I watched it like it was a real debate, which meant arguing with the candidates positions, arguing with each other ;) and discussing what we thought. Logan was playing a computer game so he was in and out of the room. One time he walked into the room was when they were debating drilling in Alaska. Logan is passionately opposed to this, so he sat down to watch. He ended up watching the rest of the debate with us and asking questions during it and giving his opinion. During the education part, he told us that school was dumb.

At the end of West Wing, they said you could go online to vote for who you thought won the debate. So Mark and I talked about that some and then Mark went online to check. At first Logan wasn't sure he wanted Mark to check (I think he remembers watching the returns last year and how upset I got). Logan said he hoped The Mother Earth guy won (what he calls democrats), but that he knew the stupid God guy would win. Then he went on this tirade about how the God people don't care about Mother Earth and all they want is money. He was getting pretty worked up. So, I quickly told him this wasn't a real election, it was just TV and it didn't matter who won, it wouldn't change anything. He calmed down and went back to playing. But wouldn't you know it, the Mother Earth guy won! Now, I kind of wish I hadn't told him it was fake, he could have been so happy that his guy won. I think we are going to have to volunteer during the next election.
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