Brief update

Jul 09, 2004 21:54

We just got back from out family reunion in NC. It was fun but exhausting! It was a 2 day drive both ways, on the way down with my grandparents. It was stressful for me trying to keep the boy happy in the car for 2 days, my grandfather tends to not have much patience for fussing etc. But overall it went well. I'm having a really hard time recovering, I'm just so tired.

Monday marks the half way point for summer session. It is going fine, but I'm ready for it to be over. I'm teaching 2 sections in the fall and am thinking about taking the spring semester off. I'd like to take Logan and go traveling to visit relatives, that would be much easier to do if I'm not having to work around my teaching schedule. I got my evaluations from last semester back, 100% positive! My very fragile ego needed the boost. I wish I didn't care so much what these things said.

I'm hoping to see Chen while she is in NY, since I'm not going to Writercon. Not sure if our schedules are going to mesh this time, working 2 nights a week makes it hard for me to travel.

That's about it for now. Hope everyone is well.
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