Yes, I am alive!

Jun 13, 2004 21:08

I thought I'd update and let you all know that I'm alive and well. I've been reading LJ about once a week and kind of keeping up. I've been busy with the boy and hubby, I decided I needed to spend more time with them and less on the computer. It seems to be working out well for all of us. Hubby and I are getting along a lot better than we were 6 months ago.

Summer session starts on Wednesday and I'm really, really, REALLY NOT looking forward to it. This summer session is going to be 3 class meetings shorter than in the past. So, I have to cover the same amount of material in 3 less lectures. I see disaster coming!

I've really been thinking about quitting and doing something else. The more I learn about brain development and how people learn, the more I think the way we do education in this country is totally wrong. And the more I think about it, the harder it gets for me to be part of it, even if it is at the college level. I can see everyday how what I'm doing as an instructor just isn't the best way to do things. I'm working a job that goes against my beliefs. Problem is, it is easy and pays well. Sigh, that is the whole reason I haven't quit yet. I can't think of anything else I could do that would pay even close to what I make. Tutoring would be close, but again I would be supporting a system I don't believe in.

Anyway, I hope those of you that have been having a hard time lately are finding things easier. I wish I was around more to support you all. I'm so glad you are all here!
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