Man, it's been a looooong couple of weeks. Work's been crazy busy with deadlines and stuff, and there's been a lot of 12-hour days recently.
Anyway... the weekend. Let's see...
Friday I worked 'til a little after 9, then went and met up with
jimtarded for some food.
Saturday I did some work from home during the day, then met up with Anastasia and Br
irisheyes99 to see Stranger Than Fiction. Decent flick. Not outstanding, but decent. After the movie we went and hung out at at a new British pub in Redmond for a while. jimtarded came out and met us there, too, though he missed the movie.
Sunday afternoon I watched/listened to some football (Da Bearssss!!!!), did some more work (from home), then went over to NiKristi's to watch some Buffy/Angel with them and Brie99.
That's it! Work kinda sucked some of the fun-time out of the weekend.
In better news, though, I get a bonus day off on Wednesday! Our entire product unit was given the day off as a nice little bonus. W00T!!!