Fic Update: In Loco Parentis 2/?, and Life update

Feb 02, 2008 19:54

Just a quick post to say that part 2 of "In Loco Parentis" is up here. And to remark in passing how funnily appropriate the title is, given my life situation of late, and using a different meaning for "loco."

Thanks to Everyone who offered hugs and words of support for me and my Wee Hob. He is starting to settle down, though he is still doing goofy things that make no rational sense. He got suspended from school on Wednesday for having a paring knife in his backpack. He didn't threaten anyone or seem to have any plan for its use, but he'd apparently had it the previous day and "accidentally" let it fall out where other kids he knew disliked him would see it. Of course they told. Of course he hadn't taken it out overnight. He wanted to be caught, on some level.

But the three days with his godparents have done him a world of good, and he sees Dr. Wolfe next week. He is starting to talk about things that are bothering him. He said yesterday, "I know in my head it wasn't your fault, but when you stopped coming to visit me, I felt really hurt and angry." He's been carrying that around for about 5 years, since the court took away my visitation rights in the middle of all its other dirty tricks. I've had him back now for 3. And there are other things further back he has cause to be hurt and angry about. I think one of the things making him so irrational here is that he doesn't really Know why he feels the way he does.

But we love him, we are getting him sorted, and things will eventually be okay again. Until the next clever idea his hormone-addled brain comes up with.

But for now, he's asleep, there is fic, and for anyone who cares, my first fanfic, "Summer" is also being posted out on fanfiction dot net. It's in the Buffyverse, and very much a documentary instead of a story. And has more angst than you can shake a stick at. But it has its moments. And it's part of why I had the revelation earlier that I was going down the same blind alley with "In Loco Parentis," and I really didn't have to. I don't need to account for a whole summer's worth of time. I can tell the story I need to tell here much more quickly than that. And maybe write something later in the timeline, well, Later. When I have another story that needs telling with the material.

Yeah I know. Duh. But in my defense, it has been a very long week.

snape, fic, ilp, wee hob, rl

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