Well, looks like I made up a bit for my sloth yesterday, and I am now ready to call it a night. I put in 3011 words in the morning on my original fic. They are truly sucktastic. Then I started fresh with
clavally at 3pm when we did our Virtual Write In and worked on a continuation to "Lost Boys"-- Snape going home with David and the family coming together for Christmas. And it occurs to me that maybe some people might be less than pleased that Snape survived, in any form. Or really pleased that revenge is not totally out of their reach, after all.....
We'll see where it all goes. I'll be busy with the Ladies Society Bingo tomorrow, and hearing all of Wee Hob's camping adventures after the night mass I sing (and that Wee Hob will doubtless sleep through). But hopefully I can get something banged out on one of these for a little while, maybe in the morning.
Ye Olde Progress Meter from
24,597 / 50,000
Hugs to my writer friends. And my reader ones, of course.
I really should not have drunk so much coffee at Panera all afternoon. I am ceasing to be capable of coherent thought, but am absolutely not sleepy....