Nov 10, 2012 20:12
And-- that was easy. Thanks to friends who have already made the leap, I am not only over here happily ensconced at Dreamwidth, but my whole journal has been imported, too. Only grabbed one icon, although it looks like I get 15 on a free account. But that's okay, it got the only one I actually use, and one I no longer have on any hard drive anywhere I can find (I got it from a medieval manuscript somewhere on the web and have not been able to find it again to recreate it.)
Anyway, I'm looking at how to fix it so that I can read your LJs from there. There are a number of you that I'd like to keep in touch with.
This is mostly a test post so I can see what the crossposting will do. But as infrequently as I've been posting, twice in one day shouldn't cause many complaints.
However, if you have a complaint (or even if you don't) feel free to comment so I can test that feature, too.
move to dw